2024-25 TECHNIS web seminars
Tuesday the 8th of October 2024, Leonardo Madio, University of Padova. Title: “Business strategy and regulation of generative AI firms".
Tuesday the 22nd of October 2024, Erik Madsen, New York University. Title: "Insider Imitation"
Tuesday the 5th of November, Xavier Lambin, ESSEC. Title: "Less than meets the eye: simultaneous experiments as a source of algorithmic seeming collusion".
Tuesday the 12th of November, Christian Kiedaisch, University of Namur, Title: "Time-limited forward patent protection and cumulative innovation".
- Tuesday the 10th of December, Ammon Salter, Warwick Business School. Title: "Profiting from Prometheus:The impact of scientific engagement on AI new ventures funding".
- Tuesday the17th of December, Otto Toivanen, Aalto University. Title: "The European Unitary Patent: PatentValue, Innovation Incentives and Welfare".
Tuesday the 14th of January, Cecilia Rikap, UCL
Tuesday the 4th of February, Hamish MacDonald, University of Queensland
Tuesday the 18th of February, Antonin Bergeaud, HEC Paris
March-April, online workshop on "AI and Copyright", dates and presenters to be announced.
Tuesday the 6th of May, Omkar Nadh Pattela, University of Queensland
2023-24 TECHNIS web seminars
- Tuesday the 3rd of October 2023, Carolina Castaldi, Utrecht University. Ttitle:"The propensity to trademark innovation: implications for measuringinnovation from small and medium-sized enterprises".
- Tuesday the 24th of October 2023, Igor Letina, University of Bern. Title: "Market-Bound Research Contests",
- Tuesday the 14th of November 2023, Steven Sturdy, University of Edinburgh, Title: "The commercial roots of the ‘genomic commons’: DNA, intellectual property, and the pharmaceutical innovation system, 1990-2013".
- Tuesday the 28th of November 2023, Kean Birch, York University, Canada. Title: "Do Artefacts Have Political Economy?".
- Tuesday the 6th of February 2024, Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Technical University of Munich. Title: "The politics of scaling".
- Tuesday the 27th of February, Christian Peukert, HEC Lausanne. Title: "Exposure Compensation:Strategic Behavior and Artificial Intelligence Training Data".
- Tuesday the 12th of March, Jacob Madden, Yale Law School. Title:"Trends in The Global Antibiotics Market".
- Tuesday the 26th of March, Andy Stirling, SPRU. Title: "Taking Directionality Seriously: opening up hidden politics to enable innovation democracies".
- Tuesday the 16th of April, Maik Schneider,University of Graz. Title: "Public Policy Responses to AI".
- Tuesday the 30th of April, Emilio Calvano, University of Bologna. Ttitle: "Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Recommendations and Competition"
- Tuesday the 14th of May, Michael Sinha, Saint Louis University School of Law, Ttitle: "AI Renaissance: Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostic Medicine".
Click here to see
2022-23 TECHNIS web seminars
2021-22 TECHNIS web seminars
2020-21 TECHNIS web seminars
2019-20 TECHNIS web seminars
2018-19 TECHNIS web seminars
2017-18 TECHNIS web seminars
2014-17 TECHNIS web seminars