Tuesday15th of October 2019, Valeriya Vlasova, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, Russia. Title: "Innovation and cooperation additionality of innovation policy: empirical evidence from Russian manufacturing".
Tuesday 5th of November 2019 Xan Chacko,TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland, Australia.
Title: "Protection or Prohibition: The Awkward Reconciliation of Intellectual Property and Biodiversity Conservation".
Tuesday 26th of November 2019, Valentina Tartari, Copenhagen Business School. Title: "The Demand for Science Funding".
Tuesday 14th of January 2020, Dimitrios Zormpas, University of Bologna. Title:"Excess returns in Public-Private Partnerships: Do governments pay too much?".
Tuesday 28th of January 2020, John Liddicoat, University of Cambridge. Title: "The Effects of Myriad and Mayo on Molecular Test Development in the US and Europe: Interviews from the Frontline".
Tuesday 18th of February 2020, Albert Roger, ZEW. Title: "Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from International Environmental Agreements: the Case of Stock Pollutants".
Tuesday 17th of March 2020, Jan Kinne, ZEW. Title: "Web-based innovation indicators"
Tuesday 31st of March 2020, Christian Helmers, Santa Clara University, USA. Title: "Submarine Trademarks" (this seminar will take place at 15:00 London time).
Tuesday 5th of May 2020, Sara Gerke, Harvard Law School. Title: "Ethical and Legal Issues of Health AI and COVID-19" (this seminar will take place at 15:00 London time).
Tuesday 19th of May 2020, Neethu Rajam, University of Copenhagen, Seminar Cancelled due to COVID.
Tuesday 9th of May 2020, Daria Kim, Max-Planck Institute for Competition and Innovation. Title: "Incentives in the Data Economy as a Case on Knowledge Externalities".