TECHNIS is an interdisciplinary innovation and intellectual property platform that brings together practitioners and academics whose work focuses on all aspects of intellectual property (IP), involving the management of IP, the legal and economic aspects of IP, its history and its social implications.  Since 2014, we run web-seminars  that are open to all people sharing an interest in this topic.

Forthcoming seminar, Tuesday the 8th of October 2024 at 11:00 London time. The speaker is, Leonardo Madio, University of Padova, TBA

TECHNIS webinars for 2024-25

  • Tuesday the 8th of October, Leonardo Madio, University of Padova

  • Tuesday the 22nd of October, Erik Masden, New York University

  • Tuesday the 5th of November, Xavier Lambin, ESSEC

  • Tuesday the 12th of November, Christian Kiedaisch, University of Namur

  • Tuesday the 26th of November, Otto Toivanen, Aalto University

  • Tuesday the 10th of December, Ammon Salter, Warwick Business School

  • Tuesday the 21st of January, Cecilia Rikap, UCL

  • Tuesday the 4th of February, Hamish MacDonald, University of Queensland

  • Tuesday the 18th of February, Antonin Bergeaud, HEC Paris

  • March-April, online workshop on "AI and Copyright", dates and presenters to be announced.

  • Tuesday the 6th of May, Omkar Nadh Pattela, University of Queensland


An Innovation and Intellectual Property Platform