Dimitrios Zormpas

Dimitrios Zormpas

(PhD University of Padova) Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia.

Email: zormpas@uom.edu.gr

Research Interests:

- Intersection of strategic decision-making and real options   theory.

- Applications in industrial organization, innovation, energy economics and land economics.


I am a microeconomist, interested in the study of strategically exercised investment options characterized by uncertainty and irreversibility e.g. the option to innovate. More precisely, my research focuses on the intersection of strategic decision-making and real options theory. My work explores applications in industrial organization, innovation, energy economics and land economics.

I recently joined the Department of Economics of the University of Macedonia as an assistant professor. Before that I worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Economics of the University of Crete (2022-2024) and as a visiting professor (junior fellow) in the Institute for Advanced Studies of CY Cergy Paris Université (2021-2022). I have obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Padova (2018).

More information:https://sites.google.com/view/dimitrioszormpas