Christos Kolympiris

Dr. Christos Kolympiris

Associate Professor at Warwick Business School.


Tel: +4474 70375266 (cell phone)

Research Interests:

Economics of Science

- High-Tech Entrepreneurship

- Entrepreneurial Finance


I am Associate Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Warwick Business School (WBS). Funded by the Kauffman Foundation, I received my PhD in Applied Economics at the University of Missouri - Columbia in 2010. Before joining WBS I was at the faculty at the University of Bath School of Management.

My work is at the intersection of technology innovation management, entrepreneurship, economics of science and economic geography. I am pursuing two core lines of research. The first looks at the institution of science analyzing, among others, careers of scientists with a focus on research fund acquisition, the distribution of research funding, university-based innovation, location choice of academic entrepreneurs, academic mentoring, university incubators, technology transfer from academia to industry and the effects of academic science on industrial innovation. The second revolves around decision making in entrepreneurial finance and addresses issues such as the geographic distribution of venture capital investments and how geography and different forms of intellectual property protection shape information asymmetries between providers of entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurs.

My research has appeared in several journals, including Review of Economics and Statistics, Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Industrial and Corporate Change.

For more details see my WBS page